Regulator warns truckies of massive safety blitz

Its official name is the second National Road Worthiness Survey, but to most truckies the upcoming ‘health check’ will probably feel a lot like any other random compliance blitz.
From May 5 to July, the NHVR and partner agencies in its jurisdictions, plan to conduct random roadside inspections of some 8,000 heavy vehicles, including trucks, buses and other special purpose vehicles.
The regulator says all heavy vehicle inspections will be conducted using the National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual.
The NHVR tells Big Rigs that the data collected from the survey will be used to “inform policy and develop projects to reduce the social, environmental and economic harm from unroadworthy heavy vehicles”.
“Authorised Officers will issue defect notices if defects are identified,” said a spokesperson.
“For lower risk defects, officers may issue warnings depending on severity and risk. Officers will provide education to all operators on the importance of using a Daily Safety Checklist as a regular part of their pre-trip routine.”
The NHVR said the inspections will take up to 45 minutes – less time for compliant vehicles – and participation is considered to be work time for the purpose of work diary and fatigue management considerations.
NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto said the first survey conducted in 2016 was the largest snapshot of the health of Australia’s heavy vehicle fleet ever undertaken. The full report can be found here.
“Each vehicle will receive a comprehensive visual and mechanical inspection and requires the use of specialised equipment,” Petroccitto said.
“We understand the importance of keeping the heavy vehicle supply chain moving and where possible officers will ensure minimal disruption occurs.”
Deputy Prime Minister and Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Minister Michael McCormack said heavy vehicle operators should take a few minutes before each trip to check basic safety items on their vehicle.
“A quick visual inspection can identify any issues and give you peace of mind that the vehicle is safe and ready for the journey,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
“It is a series of simple steps that aligned with the National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual that every driver should undertake daily.”
For more information on the Daily Safety Checklist visit