Play it safe this Christmas – trucks need space to keep you safe
08 Dec 2022
The NHVR is urging all road users to take care around heavy vehicles ahead of the Christmas and New Year period.
According to the Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics (BITRE), tragically there have been 165 fatalities involving heavy vehicles in 2022 so far.
NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto said sharing the ‘We Need Space’ message is vital and could help save the life of your family members or friends during Australia’s busiest time of year on roads.
“Never cut in front of an oversize vehicle – they can’t stop suddenly, and they can’t bend. When going round a corner, they can sweep across several lanes, so passing on corners can be extremely dangerous.”
“By following these simple steps, you can help keep Australia’s roads safe for all road users over the Christmas and New Year break.
“A part of our role as the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator is to keep our roads safe and heavy vehicles moving and it’s through a shared understanding across all road users around how to share our roads safely that allows this to happen.”
To read more about the Christmas message to light vehicle drivers, click here.
(Information supplied by NHVR – On the Road Issue 154)